Friday, 5 July 2013

Start Delayer | r2 Studios| : Faster Windows Startup

Fellas !!

This week's was very very busy.....Sorry for no updates...
Alright people,we all have laptops and we always want our dear machine to be in a top notch condition,from personalizing the looks to clicking with the hardware we want the best for our system.

I am using a DELL XPS P11F from the past 7 months and before that i was using a HP dv4 laptop,i still use the dv4 its still in an EPIC condition.HP laptops are always good performing,coming back to the topic,i would in this post recommend to all the readers a very nice Windows application  
Startup Delayer.
i am pretty sure that most of the windows 7,xp users may have felt  that the startup of their device is kinda slow..its laggy and stuff..we have always want to squeeze some  more seconds from the startup...havent we ??? my dv4 was running win 7 ultimate (32-bit) and it took nearly 30-40 seconds to fully boot up..that made me disable a number of startup entries and stuff but...overall it didnt ease up much....after googling and looking around in the interweb for a week or so i found this awesome software from r2 Studios..
Whats this software does is it delays the pre-configured startup whatever the user wants to......thats really cool..... seriously...i have used a number of softwares for controlling startup and none of them allowed delaying a startup..

Hows this effective : after configuring the softwares that we want to delay the program works very effectively,it starts up at boot and then it starts to launch the apps that we have configured to delay..
for example : i have XYZ program that boots up with the pc and i dont want to disable it because i want it for certain browsing and stuff...i would consider delaying the app and as such the app starts after some time not with the boot hence lowering the impact on CPU and giving a little peck of performance..

my dv4 after utitlising the software starts up in 20-25 seconds...

so guys do try the software its free to use although their is a premium version too with loads of other great buy it if you like the devs...this software deserves a run on your machine ...

Thank You For Reading ..

May God Have Mercy On Us

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